2015年01月30日 18:40
2014夏天在海邊的卡夫卡連續兩晚的演出也深獲好評,最後將演出現場收音,集結成今年甫發行的最新現場不插電專輯《Everyone's gonna miss you》小額信貸利率比較。為回饋多年來一直支持的歌迷,《Everyone's gonna miss you》專輯預購版附上1月30日在台北Legacy的演唱會門票,邀請樂迷們來觀賞HUSH的演出。
HUSH首度舉辦個人大型售票演唱會,天團五月天、天后張惠妹得知消息,特別送上祝福影片!HUSH去年曾為五月天高雄漢神巨蛋「Just Love It!」演唱會任開場嘉賓而結下緣分,而張惠妹則是HUSH相當崇拜的天后。如今為HUSH加油打氣,除了讓HUSH受寵若驚,也信心滿滿!
By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporterA pre-Lunar New Year holiday military exercise was held in Taichung yesterday to simulate a landing by Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) amphibious units, with the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot participating in the drill.The exercise simulated a PLA naval formation of destroyers, amphibious vessels and escort ships conducting a training drill in the Taiwan Strait, but abruptly crossing the median line between Taiwan and China, with ship-borne helicopters launching an attack to seize key military infrastructure in Taiwan.The exercise came a week after China’s first and only aircraft carrier sailed through the Taiwan Strait.The exercise saw coordinated operations by the army’s tank battalions and aviation units, while the 10th Army Command dispatched M109 howitzers, M60A3 main battle tanks, CM33 Clouded Leopard armored vehicles, AH-1W Super Cobras and UH-60M Black Hawks to repel the mock enemy units and retake occupied facilities.The Clouded Leopards displayed their ability to mount steep slopes, with M60A3 tanks rumbling over a car used as an enemy barricade.Special forces troops were dropped from helicopters to engage the mock enemy, while paratroopers performed precision jumps to land at designated locations.First Lieutenant Chen Pin-fen (陳品棻), the nation’s first female attack-helicopter pilot, was controlling an AH-1W Super Cobra during the exercise.Chen, a graduate of Virginia Military Institute in the US, completed her flight training at the end of last year and was assigned to the Republic of China Army’s Aviation and Special Forces Command.Compared with general helicopters, which are used in search and rescue missions and transportation, attack helicopters are difficult to manage and have complex weapons systems, she said, adding that she had spent a considerable amount of time mastering the machine.“My dream was to become an attack-helicopter pilot. It is a unique challenge. I like challenges and coping with them,” she said.Chen was trained as a pilot at the Republic of China Military Academy and was selected to study in the US, where she broke records in swimming and graduated with distinction.Her decision to train as a combat helicopter pilot was motivated by US soldiers’ aspirations to fight on the front lines, she said.Women rarely choose to fly the AH-1W SuperCobra because it involves intense physicality to control the aircraft in an emergency situation when the hydraulic system fails, but she mastered the skill, Chen said.Chen said her next goal is to pilot Apache helicopters, one of the nation’s most advanced combat aircraft.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
(中央社記者楊淑閔台北17日電)總統蔡英文感嘆政府在一例一休勞資議題上公親變事主。工商協進會理事長林伯豐表示,政策是政府訂的,訂不好應修改,若政府、立委完全做得到,再困難,企業自己努力。 中華民國工商協進會今天舉辦「第241次公亮紀念講座」,由財金文化事業股份有限公司董事長謝金河演講「2017全球經濟大趨勢」,林伯豐接受聯訪做出以上表示。 媒體詢問林伯豐對於蔡總統關於一例一休的勞資議題上,政府公親變事主的看法。他說,他認為資方的老闆跟員工是一體兩面,一個企業的成長、發展要先有資本,然後是市場、勞工,缺一不可。 他並說,資方重視勞方,也希望給予更優惠的休息跟收入條件,但是政策是政府訂的,訂得好對台灣有利,不好應予以即刻修正,這才是對台灣好。 他強調,依他的立場,小民不敢批評政府,但是政府訂的政策,應出來面對,政府的公務員體系下也很多人適用勞基法,立委的助理也是,他要「看看他們能不能做到,如果大家能完全做到,我想企業界面對再大困難,我們自己會努力做到」。1060117